It's not me, it's you.

After my sister's long-term boyfriend broke up with her, we were all incredibly quick to say "it wasn't you, it was him." One time I said this, my mother's best friend corrected me and encourage me not to keep saying that message because it might have been her. I felt a fury build up inside of me at this remark.

I realize now, without my own personal filter, that she is right. She wasn't saying there was something deficient or wrong about my sister. Her point was that, any person is capable of change with the right person... and she just wasn't the right person.

I look at my last relationship and my inability to change while in it. If 'doing the same thing repetitively while expecting a different result' is the definition of insanity, well then I was crazy for 2.5 years. Even Ramon has his own reputation for his past behavior in relationships. But I look at our relationship and everything is different. I see him treat me in ways I never witnessed him treat his past girlfriends. I am comfortable with him in ways I have never been with anyone.

All our past people, just weren't the right people. And it's funny to me because if we had tried to date earlier, we wouldn't have been the right people for each other either. I am so thankful for time and patience, because without them I wouldn't be the blessed woman I am today.

I sure do hope this feeling lasts.


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