It's time to end the War on Drugs.

Police Captain discussing the War on Drugs.

Not that long ago my sister was discussing groups that provide clean needles for drug users. My ignorant response was that I did not want my tax money going towards helping people get high (followed by, I'd like my money to go to treatment facilities and drug prevention education etc).

But then I watched this video and it all clicked. I go to bars and drink alcohol which distorts reality, leads to uninhibited behavior, and is incredibly unhealthy. Alcohol is a drug. Cigarettes are drugs. And we have all agreed that while they may be bad, they should still not be prohibited but should be controlled. Why are the rest of drugs any different?

At the end of the day, I'd prefer to create a cleaner, safer, healthier community which could be done by 1.) legalizing all drugs 2.) regulating them 3.) providing safe spaces/needles for people to use. This takes out the need for shady drug deals, decreasing the violence in our communities, allows us to tax the goods, and to prevent greater health concerns that will ultimately cost us even more money.

This video is worth watching and will hopefully change your perspective the same way it changed mine.


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