Hear no evil.

"Listening is hard because the more you listen, the more unsettling the world becomes. It's a lot easier just to place your hands over your ears and not listen at all."

-Could one man have shortened the Vietnam War?, BBC News

I am deeply impacted by what I see and hear in the world. As Ramon often tells me, I just feel so much. But I feel so much because I can't look away and I can't turn it off, and I can't pretend like injustices aren't occurring all around me and to me. I don't want to turn a blind eye. Maybe I'd feel less, maybe life would be easier, maybe I would be so angry at and scared of the world, but I would also be living a lie every single day. And that, is just something I am not comfortable with. I just wish everyone else would take their hands of their ears and allow themselves to feel it all so that they would be motivated to be agents of change.


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