Male rape vs. Female rape.

It's fascinating to me that in the last few weeks I have heard many men speak about the fear, the repulsion, the anger they felt towards seeing a man being raped (references to SOA and Deliverance).

I am not shocked by the emotions that these images illicit, I myself am impacted deeply by them, to be truthful, who isn't? But what I do find fascinating, is that most men are seemingly desensitized and unaffected by images of rape against women. They are all over their movies, all over their tv shows, all over their comedy. Yet it doesn't impact them. Oddly enough, movies like Girl with the Dragon Tattoo weigh heavily on them, but movies like The Hills Have Eyes don't. For some reason, female rape for the sake of shock value does nothing more than make people bat their eyes. A man being raped is horrifying, unforgivable, against nature, yet there is something about the majority of images of a woman being raped that just doesn't impact people, especially men, as much.

One image of a man being raped can raise chills up a man's spine, but daily images of women being objectified, raped, dominated is somehow seen as normal.

My problem is not with men, I honestly understand from a societal context where they are coming from, my problem is that we are so conditioned to violence against women, it no longer brings us to arms, in fact, it is now worth $11 a ticket.


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