True Detective.

It is a breath of fresh air when a show that could easily go down the graphic, openly violent images of women route chooses not to. True Detective is an incredible show-- disturbing, breath taking, and complex in every way possible. And while the show is by no means without violence or evil, it does not exploit women in the way that so many shows do. Rather than show explicit scenes of rape and molestation, it hints at them and forces the characters discovering and unraveling these terrible truths, to demonstrate the monstrosities they see within their reactions. It is a true piece of art, that doesn't go for drastic imagery to provide shock value. It relies on its actors to utilize their skill and talent to their fullest-- to be the character, to be the emotion, to be the story. With so many movies using rape as a last minute thought to add shock value, the cheapest and most disgusting form of cinema, this show stands apart.

True Detective is art. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you sit down and get absorbed into all that is Rust Cohle.


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