15 years today.

On this day, fifteen years ago, my dad died.

I wonder often what my dad would think if he could see his daughters now. I wonder if he would approve of the decisions we have made and the lives we have built for ourselves.

For my sisters I wish he could have seen...
Andrea: all of her explorations both domestically and abroad. Her passion for music and art. Her loyalty to her friends and family. Her success in her career.

Becca: her passion for social issues and her activism in our community. Her redefinition of herself and her life over the past few years. Her incredible creativity.

Liz: A woman who is empathetic, intelligent, and steadfast. Her drive and success both in her personal and professional life. Her incredible child to whom she is a loving, encouraging parent.

Lil: the best thing to happen to our family. She is the most amazing child and she would have melted his heart.

I wish my dad could have seen what amazing women his daughters became. I wish he could see what good friends we all are and how close our bond is. I wish he could have met his granddaughter. And I wish he could see me now.

I hope he would be proud of the life I have made for myself.


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