What we can’t afford to forget about Rachel Dolezal: A master class in white victimology

What we can’t afford to forget about Rachel Dolezal: A master class in white victimology

"As a white person, Rachel Dolezal can pretend to be black and have her claims treated as worthy of serious consideration, garner attention from the mainstream media, and open a public dialogue about abject foolishness — such as if a white person who deludes themselves into thinking they are “black,” can actually make a legitimate claim on the rich history of Black America. By comparison, a black person who publicly suggests that they are a “transracial” “white” person — because they “identity with” and “feel white” — would be driven out of the public square with due haste and no small amount of mockery.

The peculiar case of Rachel Dolezal is also profoundly insulting: Are black folks who are born into that history, legacy, identity, and body not able to fight their own struggle without white folks who pretend and feign blackness? Where the latter elevates themselves above those born and who intrinsically know themselves to be Black Americans?

For one or many reasons, Rachel Dolezal, decided to play a politically “progressive” game of blackface. In doing so, she has made herself a distraction from solving the real problems facing Black America and other people of color. Her escapades are those of an oxygen thief in a political issue space that is often too quick to ignore the real and substantive concerns of non-whites about their life chances, human rights, and justice.

Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who chose to live a black woman, is conducting a master class in White Victimology. This would be funny if it was not so sad."


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