On behalf of all women... from us to you.

Just because my skirt is short... doesn't mean I am asking for it.

Just because my jeans are tight... doesn't mean I am willing.

Just because I kissed you... doesn't mean you have the right to force/pressure me into more.

Just because my cleavage is showing... doesn't mean you have an open invitation.

Just because I am a flirt... doesn't mean I am slut.

Just because you are saying yes... doesn't mean my 'no' is any less valid.

Just because you are a man... doesn't mean you can grab my ass, or talk about my breasts, or make cat calls at me.

Just because I am a woman... doesn't mean you have the right to treat me as a subordinate, to diminish my humanity, to degrade me.

Just because you are my friend... doesn't mean it's ok when you make me uncomfortable with your sexual words or gestures.

Just because you bought me a drink... doesn't mean you have the right to demand anything from me.

Just because you want it... doesn't mean I do.
Just because its my first time... doesn't mean it has to hurt.

Just because you are in the mood... doesn't mean I am.

Just because I chose to be intimate with you once... doesn't mean you have the right to force or pressure me into it again.

Just because I care about you... doesn't mean you have the right to try to guilt me into satisfying you.

Just because you weren't the one who did it... doesn't mean you aren't guilty... because you knew he was.

Just because that's how he gets when he's drunk... doesn't mean it's ok.

Just because you are ignorant... doesn't mean that is a valid excuse.

Just because you don't choose to see... doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Just because I am drunk... doesn't mean you have the right to take advantage of me.

Just because you are a man... doesn't mean you are stronger or better than me.
Just because you are a man... doesn't mean you deserve anymore power.
Just because you are a man... doesn't give you the right to treat me like that.

Just because you can... doesn't mean you should.

This is MY body. This is MY being. You have NO right to any of it. You don't deserve anything. You are not owed anything.

And the fact that I even have to say this... have to explain this... because it isn't already engrained... is extremely sad.


  1. This isn't actually about my friends, it a comment on the general unrecognized attitude of male privilege.
    The me's, are women in general. The you's are men in general.

    This is stemming from my cross-cultural psych class and global women's studies class


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