Too much texting.

We live in a time where we have constant access to whoever we are dating. With cell phones we can text, talk, or send picture messages. There is facebook and email. Not to mention the time you already spend with them. It's overwhelming. It's too much.

I have a life. I don't need to text you all day every day. When you are sending me texts nonstop I find it irritating. Get a life, get a hobby, get busy or something. I really, REALLY do not need that much attention. And I don't find it flattering. I find it smothering. I don't need to know your every decision throughout the day. I don't want to know. Tell me the big stuff, tell me the best stuff, tell me the funny stuff. Otherwise, recognize that I have school and I have work and I have a lot of other things filling up my life. Petty conversation does not need to be one of them. Nor is it a reflection of a solid relationship. It just reflects boredom or insecurity.

I also don't want to be ignored all day every day. Acknowledge me with at least a 'hope you have a great day' or 'sleep well.' Just a little something to remind  me that you care. And when we do have time to have a meaningful or playful conversation we will.

The key: regular but not obsessive. It will save a relationship and make it more resilient.


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