All knowledge is subjective.

Our world is completely objective. It is as it is and will always be. It evolves. It changes. It is driven by an unseen force. Our world is objective...

Yet our knowledge of the world is completely subjective. There are no absolute facts, no real undeniable truths. We know everything through a tainted lens of hidden assumptions.

Everything we have ever been taught is presented as fact, but really our entire education is based on theory and history, both of which are relative. Psychology and philosophy are nothing more than educated theories relative to culture that are waiting to be disproved. Math and science are relative to time, since in the future there will be discoveries to disprove and expand on what we believe we know. History is entirely relative to the source sharing it and the person hearing it. History is always told from a tainted lens {and in the case of the US, it is shared from the lens of the white male}. There are no real absolutes. There is no body of work unfinished. There is no fact that may not be disputed later. It would be absolutely narcissistic to believe that all our "truths" are final. That's the beauty of life, everything changes and there is always something new to learn, some new epiphany to have.

Just because we haven't figured it out doesn't mean it isn't there or is any less real. The world itself is completely objective... our knowledge and understanding of it, however, is completely subjective, relative, and limited. If psychology has taught me anything, it's that we cannot prove anything, we can only disprove things. Knowledge is not synonymous with fact. We must remember this as we learn and experience and encounter new things. We must challenge everything we learn to find a better truth.

No one sees the world exactly as I see it. No one knows exactly what I know because my beliefs and knowledge are relative to me. No two people share the exact same perceptions and sensations. That is a truly amazing thought.


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