Stupid research, important findings.

So supposedly some person did research and found that men's testosterone levels decrease when women cry. Why any would choose to do such WORTHLESS research when there are REAL problems in the world that psychology could be addressing, I have no idea. However, their conclusion was that men are turned off by women cry.

No shit sherlock. I would hope a man isn't getting a boner every time a woman cries.

But beyond the obvious idiocy of this study, I have to say that they completely missed the real findings. This would be proof of men's natural empathetic nature. We talk about gender as though men are tough guys and women are sensitive beings. To a very small extent this may be a truly biological difference but in reality this is almost entirely a product of culture. We socialize men to be strong and emotionally inadequate. We teach them from a very young age to address emotions as anger rather than sadness. We tell them not to cry. We tell them to be strong. And their entire life this message is reinforced. They are ridiculed if they step away from this model.

But what I have always believed and know to be true in my heart, and now research has proven, is that men are truly empathetic beings. Their nature is just as much to be empathetic and caring as women's, and it is only through negative nurturing and the environment they are raised in, do they become calloused beings. Furthermore, they do not have the absence of certain emotions, rather those emotions manifest in other ways, specifically in negative behavior patterns.

We need to socialize our men to be open, to be comfortable with their emotions, to become socially competent. They are capable of it. There is no reason to reinforce the hyper-masculinized stereotype of a male, especially since no woman really appreciates that and it never benefits anyone. No one wants to be or date a rock in a relationship.


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