An eye for an eye and the WHOLE world goes blind... not just Al Qaeda.

I just really can't stand anymore American idiocy... if I see one more status referring to "Osama: 0, America: 1" I might just vomit.

Let's put our big kid brains on just for a second and do some critical thinking. I know this may feel difficult, but hey, let's try something new.

If someone were to kill our President today what would happen? Would our entire country just fall apart? No. Our Vice President would take over. So now that we have killed Osama Bin Laden, you think peace and democracy is just going to erupt all over the Middle East? You really think the Taliban is just going to say, "hey we had a good run, but I guess we should throw in the towel."? Yea I highly doubt that.

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, the armed forces have supposedly been looking for Osama Bin Laden for HOW LONG? And they just now found him? In hide and seek, the hiders always get found, it is just a matter of time. The test of a truly intelligent seeker is how long it takes. Sorry if I am not jumping for joy because it took us YEARS to find one guy. Is that not a hint that people in those countries may not be as supportive as we'd like? Furthermore, we are the ones who put the guy in business.

Here's a little dose of reality: our chances of being "safe" will not increase so long as we are still warring and innocent people are still dying. Only peace creates peace. War just temporarily creates and maintains a status quo.

You can't have a "War on Terror." Saying that is just a way to diminish the fact that you are attacking and killing people. That woman and children are being killed and raped. We are warring with countries which means killing their citizens. Lets not glorify what war is. Killing one guy isn't going to end this bullshit war on an intangible idea. If anything, we just threw gasoline on some already burning flames of hatred. Vengeance is not ended when a leader dies, it is only intensified. Al qaeda is not the only group out there that hates us. We are bombing all over the place. You think when children are losing limbs, women are being raped, and entire countryside is being destroyed that a little bit of hatred isn't creeping into people's hearts. WWI led to WWII because in the aftermath we left a lot of people disadvantaged and then they clung to the ideals of the first person who promised to save them. When these wars are done in the Middle East, what will we do to help those people? Those people whose families we've killed and homes we've destroyed.

I feel no comfort with Osama Bin Laden's death because I am looking at the bigger picture and if Americans would let go of their ego, they would realize what is happening. There are consequences to our actions and so long as we continue to war in other countries we will not be safe.

P.S. Since I know a bunch of people will see this as me attacking the troops. I am not specifically blaming any person for the way that wars happen (killing, raping, brutal and sometimes unwarranted attacks). I whole heartedly believe in the Lucifer Effect and I believe that war in itself creates a hostile environment where people have to become something they weren't intended to be. I am against war in general. Not the people who have chosen the military as a career. I just wish instead of spending money on wars we would try to make our country and our homes ACTUALLY safe: by increasing funding to education and social services, by increasing peace talks and peaceful means of supporting other countries, by evaluating the ways in which we perpetuate violence and poverty in other countries which leads to them warring with us and/or others. No one wants to be poor, with poor health, and little hope for the future. No one wants to see their children starving. And as long as these conditions persist and the source of these issues seem clear, then there will be "terrorist" groups, and mass uprisings. You want to be safe? Help increase education and health standards. Create a more egalitarian society where women have a vital role in politics and are held as equals (something the US has not even come close to achieving). Stop spending trillions of dollars bombing people and instead use that money for true humanitarian efforts.

Hold corporations accountable so that instead of sending jobs overseas they keep them in the US, thus providing us with a more stable economy. We don't need to be the wealthiest nation, that is just greed. We need to be comfortable. We need to take care of each other. And we need to be aware that the richer someone gets, the poorer someone else gets. Think critically about the sources of the conditions that people live in and the reason for the support of extremist groups. Simply calling them terrorists is ignorant. They exist for a reason and continue to exist for a reason. And on more than one occasion we have helped them. This is not a black and white issue. Educate yourself.


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