
Transition phases make me seriously uncomfortable. Which, when you think about it is odd since in reality our entire life is a transition phase. There really isn't a time when you get settled. We are all constantly in a state of growth (at least I hope so). For me, each year of college I have grown and changed so much.

Freshman year I was madly in love, hated being in college away from him, and was a bit of a recluse. Sophomore year I was single, wild, and a social butterfly. Junior year I dealt with the repercussions of sophomore year, entered a new (disastrous) relationship, and began to weed out the fake friends I had acquired. I started focusing more on school and repaired my relationship with my family. Senior year I finally came into my own skin, figured out who my true friends are, and got my priorities straight. I am busier than I have ever been but I am also happier than I have ever been. My life feels full. And now, once again, that is all about to change.

I am going to move to Arizona for at least two months, but my gut tells me it will probably be longer. I am abandoning all that I have gotten used to and come to depend on. I don't know what lies ahead. I don't know what my future has in store for me. And I am going to have to deal with that all alone. This should be an interesting adventure. I know I am making the right decision and I feel so privileged to be apart of Lillian's early development. I hope this creates a unique and untouchable bond between us.

Wish me luck Washington, I am scared shitless.


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