"Isn't it amazing to realize that the real motivation for human beings behaving toward each other in pleasing ways begins in- and grows from- love experienced in infancy?"
-Mr. Rogers

Someone that I loved very much in my life was extremely emotionally limited. A large part of that stemmed from his relationship with his parents and the fact that he was an only child. I am not sure that he was ever shown or modelled the kind of love that I saw and felt in my own life. That made him extremely uncomfortable giving and receiving that kind of love as well. It doesn't make me better, or him worse, it just makes us very different. It's not an excuse, but it is a reason... a certain understanding that I have gained with time.

I am thankful to my parents who raised me with open, warm, unconditional, fulfilling love. And I am thankful for the journey of my life thus far that has taught me boundaries and appropriate ways to show love.


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