I am enraged by rape. My skin crawls at the thought of rape. My blood boils. I am repulsed.

Not just by the act itself, but the way it is justified. An 11-yr old girl was raped in Texas and local community members actually commented on how she may have been 11 but she dressed like a 24-yr old. I'm sorry but does that matter?!?!?!?! 1.) you knew her age, I don't care how she was dressed 2.) would her being 24 make it anymore acceptable that she was raped?

You've got to be kidding me. It's not about how old she was or what she wore or how much she drank. It's about the man violating the woman. It's about the man abusing and using her body. It's about him wanting power and not wanting to respect. It's about him not seeing her as a human being. It's about him just not caring.

And it disgusts me that men get away with this. It disgusts me that society looks for ways to blame the woman. Looks for ways to justify what happened to her. Of course they don't always do it so openly. It's the little comments. The attacks. The glares. It disgusts me.

And I don't understand how it doesn't disgust everyone else to their core the way it disgusts me.

Women have been raped since the beginning of time. They are raped in every country. They raped when they wear bikinis and when they were burkas. They are raped when they are young and when they are old. They are raped in times of war and in times of so-called peace. They are raped regardless of race and socio-economic status. So stop telling women what they can do to prevent rape because they aren't the problem. Start attacking gender stereotypes. Start attacking the idea of masculinity which encourages men to prove their manhood. Start attacking men who prey on drunk girls or who become physical when drunk. "That's how he is when he's drunk" is not an acceptable excuse. Start attacking community members who go to bat for rapists. Stop talking about a woman's sexual history. Stop assuming a woman gets dressed for you, goes out for you, or assuming that her "look" is inviting you. Unless she VERBALLY and DIRECTLY invites get the hell away from her.

And also please stop saying that you aren't passionate about the topic because you don't have personal experience with it (including not knowing anyone who it has happened to). 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted, are you really so ignorant that you believe no one in your life has been assaulted?! Get a clue.

I don't understand how it is 2012 and we are still focused on changing women and their behavior rather than men and theirs; How there are people actually calling women "sluts" for using birth control.

I am disgusted. And I fear things will only get worse.


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