Sometimes Democrats are real pussies.

As a democrat, I find myself OFTEN disappointed by democrats. They are the more intelligent and society driven party and I respect them for that. What I don't respect is that the democrat politicians are generally pussies.

Specifically... in this great women's rights debate that we are currently having (which just to note is FUCKING RIDICULOUS... this is 2012, get it together America.) birth control and abortion is constantly discussed. Yes birth control is often used for reasons other than preventing having children. I personally started going on birth control because of my severe cramps which actually kept me out of school for a least a couple days every month. That being said, that isn't the argument democrats should be making. The argument that democrats should be defending is that women fundamentally have the right to have access to wellness and preventative care AND that women should be able to choose what they do with their body and when they want to have children.

It is a matter of basic human rights. Furthermore, that having access to family planning and contraceptives provides for a healthier society.

So Democrats, stop being pussies. Stop backing down. Stand up for women's rights and remind people that they are non-negotiable.

Yes, we do need to educate society on the bonuses of birth control. Yes, we do need to educate people on the importance and benefits of family planning. And yes, we need to change the cultural attitudes that condemn women as "sluts." Sexual exploration is not a bad thing. Unsafe sexual behavior is bad, like not wearing condoms or getting tested regularly or what not but having more than one sexual partner in your lifetime should not be frowned upon. Women should not be shunned for finally being willing to take control of their sexuality and for doing what men have already been doing for years. Somehow they get the terms "playboy" and "bachelor" while we get "slut" and "whore."

So yes, our society needs to be educated on MANY MANY things regarding women, family planning, etc etc... but in the meantime, Democrats need to be willing to take a strong stance on women's rights and advocate clearly and loudly that they are non negotiable.


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