I love my body?

I have been so incredibly hard on myself lately about my body. Some of it has to do with the fact that I wasn't eating as healthy as I should nor was I working out which I need for balance and piece of mind. Some of it has to do with the fact that I don't fit in ANY of my jeans anymore. I just felt disgusting. 

But then I thought about it and realized how crazy I was being. My body is becoming more womanly and is changing because I have hit the age where physically, my body thinks it is time to have a child. Incorporating healthy eating and working out is a simple lifestyle change (that I have already re-established). More than that, my body is mine. No one else has a body exactly like mine. It is beautiful and unique. 

My breasts are small and beautiful. My sternum and ribs protrude to protect my big heart. My scars are memories. My eyes are my father's. My face is my mother's. My hairy arms represent my heritage. They define my beauty, not discourage it.

I have to stop attacking my body. I am proud of my body. I want to encourage the people around me to proud of their bodies, especially women. Our society is hard enough on us, we don't need to be hard on ourselves too. At the end of the day it is about empowering myself to create the lifestyle choices that will make me healthy; not about my weight or the size of my jeans. 

So I will continue to eat healthier and work out, and more than anything, I am going to buy some new fucking jeans. How I ever fit into a 26 is beyond me anyways.


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