This is how you go out in style.

My adieu email to my coworkers


Today is my last day. Bittersweet. I've known for a while that I was ready for the next step and now I have the opportunity to go out and pursue it. That being said, I will miss the people I've worked with greatly. 

Layoffs suck. I think we can all agree on that. That being said, get over it. And fast. PLEASE! My experience is that things typically work themselves out in their own way. Everyone who lost their job today will find something else that is incredible and good for them. And all of you left behind will only be as happy as you allow yourself to be. The best way to help that process is to take ownership of Synapse and have some mother-loving fun. Shake off the sadness and plan a kick ass party in all of our honor. You'll likely struggle to replace my …how should I say it…unique personality, but I am counting on you to at least try ;) 

Get weird again. 

Being weird and goofy makes life better. 

I am incredibly thankful that Synapse took a chance on me when my resume consisted of psychology major, nanny and HBIC (technically that wasn't on my resume, just in my mind). 

I have learned so much, had some truly incredible mentors, and made some real life friends that I absolutely adore. I wish Synapse the best of luck and I hope you all work together to make it awesome again. I truly have had the time of my life.

For anyone willing, I would sincerely appreciate LinkedIn recommendations. 

Deuces everyone.

Christina Roy

My parting confession: At the holiday party this last year, some of you were requesting some less than stellar music. I crossed off your songs and wrote in a bunch of rap music from the 80s and 90s so that people would start dancing. I do not regret it.


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