Yoga mantras.

In the last year, my life has undergone some pretty drastic and unforeseen changes (my employment, housing, and relationship status all changed within a four month timespan which also led to me reevaluating some relationships with friends and family). At some point I realized that over the past year I had really lost sight of myself.

Deciding to refocus on my mental, physical, and emotional well-being, combined with some encouragement from my close friends, led me to yoga.

In the four months that I have spent practicing yoga consistently I have seen a drastic improvement in the quality of my life.

First: My health issues have drastically improved. While weight doesn't particularly matter to me, the weight I have lost has been proof of my improving health. My eczema is mostly cleared up, I no longer suffer from migraines, my digestion is pretty much on track, and the heart attack like symptoms I was having from muscle tension are gone.

Second: I'm mentally and emotionally in a better place. I'd be lying if I said I was always happy but happy is an emotion and emotions are easily impacted by things outside of my control. I am however consistenly content, which is a mentality and way of life, less effected by things outside of my control.

I have fallen in love with yoga because it doesn't just challenge my physically it also nourishes me spiritually. There is one teacher, specifically, who includes various mantras and chakras in her classes. She has taught me self-empathy and she reminds me of something that I, like most people, forget: love yourself unconditionally. Don't shy away from your emotions. Be true to them. Acknowledge where you are at in your life and how you are feeling, accept it, and move forward with confidence in your own abilities.

I haven't handled these transitions exactly how everyone else would like, but I have handled them to the best of my ability and with more grace than I've previously approached change in the past. I am working hard to build a foundation that is strong, a life that is consistent, and a self-love that is unyielding- all things to last my life through.

I am loved.
I am loving.
I have self love.

I am complete.

It's our choices in life that define us, 
far more than our abilities.

Be kind to yourself.


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