A woman's first time.

This is for all females... and for all males. Listen up.

A female's first time does not need to be a horrifying and painful experience. It will only be one if they male partner holds no respect for the female he is with.

My first time was with someone who absolutely loved and respected me. Was it pleasurable? No. It was painful to some extent. However, he was concerned about my experience and my body the entire time and I felt limited pain. (and no, he didn't have a small dick.) He continually asked me if I was ok, he was gentle, he was patient. He checked in with me. He cared about me.

Any guy who tells you it's supposed to hurt or to just push through or that you'll be fine... is a BAD guy. Your first time doesn't have to be like that. Under no circumstances should it be like that.

You should have sex when you are physically, emotionally, and mentally ready. Your first time should not end with you being in extreme pain or crying. Your partner should support you and be concerned about your experience (just as much, if not more than his own). You should feel valued and respected. I would hope and pray that you feel loved. I know not everyone is going to have the same first time as me, but I hope they would feel as good about themselves and their partner as I did.

Expect more for yourself. DEMAND more for yourself women.

And men, demand more of yourselves. Be more than society requires you to be. Be more than what is considered acceptable. The way you treat a woman defines you. Whether you realize it or not.


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