Pity party over.

I have been sitting there feeling a little bit sorry for myself over the past two days because there have been certain people treating me kinda shitty lately... and then I realized, why the hell am I having a pity party. I have a great life. I have amazing friends, I have a loving family, I am doing the best in college that I have ever done, work is going great as well... so what exactly am I complaining about?

I have been letting idiot guys into my life since I was in the sixth grade. And I have been giving those idiots second chances since the seventh.

PITY PARTY OVER. My life is epic. I love it. I am blessed. And I have also created this. I deserve to enjoy it. (Plus boy? really, of all the problems to have, I am going to be upset because I wasted a little bit of time in a long life on an idiot? Dear lord that's pathetic.)

Think of how much time we all spend talking about whoever we are dating, have dated, or want to date. Dear god. And yet we complain about not having enough time. Shake it off.


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