
Does anyone else think the general attitude towards breasts is disgusting? Guys you like boobs, great, but obsessing over them is is weird and objectifies a woman.

Plus, if you really love them that much STOP CRINGING WHENEVER A WOMAN BREASTFEEDS IN PUBLIC. That's what they are there for.

I don't know if you knew this, I guess they skipped this in sex-ed, but breasts have two purposes 1.) providing nutrient-filled sustenance for babies and 2.) added sensation FOR WOMEN during sex. No where on that list is there 3.) fun bags for men. Yet somehow that's the message you have received.

Sorry boys, hate to ruin the fantasy but they aren't for you. Women, yes. Children, yes. Men, not really. The fact that you have developed an enjoyment for them is fine but try not to forget their actual purpose... and no, playboy isn't it.


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