The problem with porn.

I don’t inherently dislike porn. In fact, I wish there was good porn out there because it is natural for people to be curious. What I do inherently dislike/loathe/abhor/am terrified of is the porn that is out there now and the general ‘porn industry’. Seeing a woman have a type of sex that is completely and utterly sexually dissatisfying for her, where she is getting reamed by any number of men, and then is taking a shot to the face, breasts, or back and at no point has been able to finish herself, because who could from what you see on those tapes, is absolutely repulsive to me. Gang bangs, rape scenarios, etc, all I can say is what the fuck is wrong with our world that we 1. make those and 2. people watch them? Those aren't sexy, those aren't acceptable, and there is no place for them in our world. 

Gross. Gross on all accounts. And gross to the people who watch it and think it is acceptable let alone masturbation worthy. How can something so degrading be a turn on?

Furthermore, it concerns me that boys, from a very young age, start watching this and form their ideas of what sex is. Dear god, what are we teaching them?! And what are women thinking is acceptable sexually?!?! 

If it were up to me I would wipe out most of the current porn websites. Then we could start fresh with good porn that shows both partners treating each other with respect and being sexually satisfied. Shit, maybe we’d even be lucky enough to see two people who are ACTUALLY interested in each other going at it. Now that would be sexy. Seeing people be so attracted to each other that they just can’t help themselves, seeing all of the build up and foreplay, seeing the woman be sexually satisfied first (and hopefully multiple times, since she is likely capable of that), having his performance last more than 5 minutes (seriously guys that is just pathetic), and seeing an act of true passion, rather than some terrifying sex act that makes me feel sick to my stomach.

We need to demand more from porn. And we need people to take a look at the porn they watch and introspectively ask what it says about them. 


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