The Kingsman.

The Kingsman was a splendidly entertaining movie up that I completely and thoroughly enjoyed... until they decide to throw in some random anal reference. I could go on a rant but instead I'd just like to ask one question: 

Why would a woman, or rather any person, who has been held captive for a significant amount of time due to her standing her grand socially and politically against terrorists, randomly offer a person she has never met or had any interaction with anal sex for doing something he was already planning on doing and should have done regardless of potential reward? 

It was absolutely fucking ridiculous and all it says is "don't worry, she may be smart and she may be driven and she may have integrity, but at the end of the day she's still just there to fuck you". It was a nonsensical plot addition that provided absolutely no value or context to the movie. 

Why Hollywood? Why must you be so insanely pathetic?


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