I am filled with pride.

Today is one of those days where I realized how important and significant my life is and I am filled with pride. While I accomplish nothing on my own, I am a part of accomplishing a lot.

Seeing the success of Western's rally and realizing that I was a part of that made my heart be completely full. I am so proud of my peers for writing so many letters and making so many phone calls and just showing up. I am so proud of them for taking a stance and fighting for something. I am so proud of all the Western Votes! volunteers who just took over and busted their ass from the beginning to the end. I am so proud of the overwhelming support we had and for the recognition we received.

I am just so proud.

And of all the things in my life this is the most meaningful. This surpasses any drama, any frustrations, any anything. I am a proud woman. I am a content woman.


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