I am whatever I say I am.

I got a 3.8 this quarter, which is the best I have done in my college career. And I was so proud when I saw that. Then I thought about how my sisters all received 4.0's at least one point in their college career and my sister Becca just got early admittance into UW's MSW program (for which I am so unbelievably proud of her and completely in awe), all of the sudden I didn't feel proud anymore. I actually felt slightly inadequate.

I have been doing this to myself for years. When I was younger, the moment I realized others were better at something or that my sisters were as good as me at something, I quit. I didn't want to compete anymore. But my problem is, and has always been, that I see things as a competition or a comparison.

A 3.8 is really good! And I worked so hard for that grade. Furthermore I had Western Votes!' huge rally to plan, was doing research, and was working 25 hr work weeks. That's a pretty impressive schedule.

Not to mention I started my life with a speech disorder that left doctors telling my mom to accept that I would never fully communicate in English. I am now the president of an organization, am about to graduate college, work in customer service, and am a great public speaker. I have exceeded so many people's expectations for me.

I have got to stop making everything a competition. I am making myself feel less than I am for absolutely no reason. I have been mind gaming myself for so long that I am actually starting to doubt my abilities. But why? I know that I am an intelligent, passionate, motivated, gifted young woman who always has purpose and can accomplish anything. I need to remind myself of this more often. At the end of the day, I am whatever I say I am.

So HELL YES for my 3.8!


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