Re-prioritize and re-evaluate.

It's amazing what re-prioritizing your life and values can do for you.

The older I get, the more I realize any drama I have in my life is my own fault. If I want to do better in school then I need to buckle down more. If I am fighting with friends, then I need to re-evaluate the friends I am surrounding myself or how I am interacting with them. If there is someone who constantly causes me strife, then it is my own fault for keeping them around.

Once I weed out the bad aspects of my life that are within my control, and find peace with the aspects outside of my control I am able to find balance and peace.

No one's life is ever perfect. Mine surely isn't. But I am happy. I am content in the life I have created for myself and so long as I stay centered and focused this feeling will continue.

Whenever I feel shaky or uncertain it is because I have been wavering from these lessons.

Focus on your blessings, they outweigh the bad. Always.


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