• When the attractiveness of the perpetrator is mentioned; 
  • when the clothing of the victim is discussed; 
  • when the sexual history of the victim is called into question; 
  • when the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator is used as a weapon (as if somehow being someone's friend would make it less than rape or maybe that it was her fault for leading him on)... 

When these are brought up or called into question we are reinforcing the idea "Don't get raped" implying that somehow, some decision that woman made led to her being raped... as if somehow, someway she could have prevented someone from violating and betraying and abusing her body

We should be reinforcing "Don't rape". We should be reinforcing that no one, under any circumstances has the right to violate another person like that. We should be reinforcing that under no circumstances will we tolerate this action. Nor will we tolerate the degradation of women in any capacity. Violence is unacceptable. Rape is unwarranted. And there is no excuse, no circumstance, no anything that can or will rationalize the act of rape. That is what our society should be reinforcing. 


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