I have no qualms with people who have faith in a higher power. 

However I do have a bitter taste in my mouth for religion. My concern religiously, is that people become more focused on connecting to their church rather than their personal relationship with their god. 

Christians are the perfect example. Christians are thus named because they are supposed to be followers of Christ. If you believe in Christ and trust the bible than your priority should be your personal relationship with God, not others personal relationship with him. You are supposed to walk in his truth, follow his steps. Christ didn't spend his time judging others, he didn't stand outside of abortion clinics calling people murderers, he didn't curse people who are homosexual and try to deny them rights. Christ spent his entire life spreading his message through love and acceptance. Whether he agreed with someone's lifestyle or not, he showed them compassion. 

'He who has not sinned shall cast the first stone.' These, to me, are the most important words written in the entire bible. His point was that we shouldn't judge others and we should be more concerned with our own wrongs and with developing ourselves so that we walk in his light. Somehow Christians have twisted and manipulated that message. They have tainted it with their idiocy, hatred, and hypocrisy. 

I used to consider myself a Christian but as time continues I feel too disgusted to associate myself with something I no longer respect. I believe in a higher power, I have too many experiences in my life to believe otherwise, but I refuse to call myself a Christian because lately that word means nothing but negativity. 

Maybe someday people will stop using their religion as an excuse to hate and abuse other people.


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