I wish we all had the determination and curiosity of a baby. I watch my niece who is only seven months old and she is so unbelievably curious about the world; so determined to see things from another view. My niece just figured out how to crawl and already she is craving more. She is constantly trying to figure out how to stand up on her own and how to walk. It's how she is with every developmental mile marker; she is never satisfied, she constantly wants to push herself farther. She falls all the time but all she needs is a moment of comfort and then she is back to trying out a new way. There is nothing that will stop her; no amount of pain or frustration. I think it's this trait that makes her learn and progress so quickly.

As I look at her I wonder when we stop having those traits, when fear overwhelms us. I remember being passionate about so many things when I was younger. But then, once I realized someone was better than me, I lost my passion for it. I couldn't just enjoy it for the release that it was or the challenge that it was. When did we all become so self-conscious?

I want to return to that child-like ability to attempt to conquer everything without fear or trepidation. I wonder what my life would be like if I could.


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