The RAPE CULTURE that we live in.

Anyone who knows me knows how heated I get about the rape... the problem is, why isn't everyone else equally as heated?!

We live in a culture that encourages an environment of rape. Please read the following article:

Definition of Rape: 7 Ways To Rethink How We Approach Sexual Assault

I highly doubt most guys would high-five the person who raped their mother or their sister or their daughter or their neighbor or their friend. What people sometimes forget is every person who is raped takes on that role with someone else and if we all felt more accountable for their safety we would act differently. I do think that comments people ignorantly or unknowingly make leads to and encourages a culture of rape. That's not an opinion that is a fact. People can diminish this by calling it my opinion or degrade me with derogatory terms (like saying "look woman" instead of using my name... which a man did, on FB).

I think it's sad that people would rather fight this knowledge then actually read articles I post that would help educate them on something they clearly haven't been privy to in the past. The more knowledge a person has the better informed they will be and the more able they are to change their thoughts, behaviors, and speech in order to not perpetuate a message that they most likely don't intend to send.


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