Susan G Komen, I have beef with you.

The Susan G Komen foundation pulled their financial support from Planned Parenthood. I have to say it: WHAT THE HELL?! 
Susan G Komen pulls funding from Planned Parenthood
Komen foundation cuts off cancer screening grants

It is a sad day when people choose to be complete and utter cowards. How can an organization dedicated to supporting women with breast cancer as well as preventing and educating people on breast cancer stop funding Planned Parenthood who provides general gynecologic care as well as cancer screenings for women.

[Over the past five years, Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation funds have enabled Planned Parenthood health centers to provide nearly 170,000 clinical breast exams and referrals for more than 6,400 mammograms. These cancer detection and prevention programs saved the lives of women who often had nowhere else to turn for care.]

I am sick and tired of this attack on women's lives. It's bad enough that fundamentalists (mostly Christians) are trying to deny women the right to choose. But now foundations and businesses are actually caving to these nut jobs and sacrificing the quality of life for millions of women. Are you comfortable allowing a woman to get breast cancer? Are you comfortable denying her affordable options to help save her own life and protect her body? I sure hope not.

Susan G. Komen foundation, you are chicken shits and you should be ashamed of yourself. 

Fundamentalist nut jobs, go buy an island, move there, and leave all of us rational thinking people alone. Thanks.


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