Not the spanish style Ramon.

My sophomore year of college I was reintroduced to someone (a guy) I knew (and disliked) in high school. I realized pretty quick that we had had the wrong impression of each other then and now felt an instant chemistry. My best friend at the time saw the relationship and the desire growing and told me flat out that I couldn't date him because he wasn't like us. At the time I felt insecure enough that I was driven by the need to fit into a certain group.

My friend was right, he wasn't like me (at the time) nor my friend group. And thank god for that. Because those friendships were casual and superficial based on immature behavior and copious amounts of alcohol. He is the least superficial/materialistic person I know. He is generous, trustworthy, and reliable. I spent the majority of my time while being friends with those people disliking myself and feeling inadequate. With him I am comfortable in my own skin. I don't feel the need to wear makeup or waste time trying to make my hair just right. I don't have to censor myself. I can be me, regular old me, without any pretenses... and he thinks it's just right.

What a blessing that he continued to be in my life as my friend and now has bettered my life as my boyfriend. Will it last? Who knows. But I am excited to see where this journey goes.


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