
Showing posts from 2013

To men who threaten women online, “Invisible Men”.

Mandela will never, ever be your minstrel.

Modeling true manhood for our sons.

Open Letter to the Three White Students Who Filed a Discrimination Complaint Against Their Black Teacher

Kid president is a brilliant bastard.

How to make a rape joke.

Joss Whedon is the shit.

Imposter Syndrome

The most wonderful time of the year.

Male rape vs. Female rape.

I'm a male feminist. No, seriously

Racism is not dead. Just ask this 7 yr old.

Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol

The Real Housewives.

Why is it socially acceptable to buy women?

Stop and Frisk?


The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves.

Justice for Trayvon... be an agent of change.

What Riley Cooper should have said about the N-word?

Dear Daughter: I hope you have awesome sex.

I can't feel my face.

Wake me up. Avicii.

My motto for social activism.

George Zimmerman Is Not Guilty. But He Is Not Innocent.

Hear no evil.

Tennis and sexism.

Europe here I come! ...In two months anyways.

What happened to little girls?

How slapping Beyonce's butt is a sign of Rape Culture.

Gay men need women's consent too.

The world is crushing my soul.

Your liberation is bound up with mine.

Don't poach other people's experiences.

Feminist Taylor Swift

Patton Oswalt's take on rape jokes.