Tim Wise: brilliance and social awareness at its finest

Tim Wise: Asking for it: Male Violence, Misogyny and the Prospects for Justice.
Rape culture from a man's perspective.

In the same way that racism will never be extinguished so long as people of color are expected to advocate for themselves rather than having "white" people challenge and demand more from each other, sexism and rape will never be extinguished so long as women are expected to improve our cultural condition. In both cases, it is too easy to disregard and disclaim the words of the person speaking because they are simply "overreacting."

Men must challenge men. They must demand more from each other. And then from there, all individuals within our culture as well as a society as a whole must make simple but drastic changes to humanize individuals from all genders and sexualities rather than making males the top of the food chain and everyone else their inferiors. Education is our greatest tool, and it is time we utilize it.

A couple excerpts I particularly appreciated:



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