I am planning to break my own heart.

things I won't even remotely miss about Arizona:
  • horrifyingly obvious racism
  • people who actually 'BOO' birth control (seriously? SERIOUSLY?!)
  • constantly seeing obesity and teen pregnancy everywhere
  • getting poop on me
  • Lil peeing while I am in the process of changing her diaper
  • having my hair violently ripped 
  • Republicans on crack
  • youths being at my park
  • feeling incredibly isolated
  • waking up to a baby scream crying
  • being hit in the face... regularly
  • being vomited on
  • having food put in my hair
  • being broke all the time
  • fundamentalist Christians everywhere
  • constantly having a messy house
  • the worst sun burns of my entire life

things that will break my heart to leave:
  • the way Lil rests her head on my chest when she is finally giving into a nap
  • how peaceful Lil looks when she falls asleep in my arms
  • when I try to put Lil down in her crib and she cries because she just wants a little extra snuggle time
  • Lil's smile
  • Lil's perfectly magnificent laugh
  • reading to Lil while she sits in my lap
  • laying face to face on our sides making silly faces and noises
  • seeing every real first Lil has ever had
  • watching Lil learn
  • watching Lil be curious
  • getting Lil dressed each day
  • the funny scrunchy-nose face she makes whenever she eats, especially anything new
  • the new diva roll and back arch Lil keeps doing
  • Lil's diva arm
  • Lil giving me kisses all over
  • Lil's gangsta lean in shopping carts
  • Friday night wedding shows with Liz
  • if we are being honest, every weeknight where we watch specific shows
  • going out to eat with Liz
  • joking with Liz
  • awkwardly touching Liz's face to make her laugh
  • Getting beautified with Liz
  • venting to Liz
  • going grocery shopping with Liz
  • Liz barely finishing one glass of wine and me killing the rest of the bottle
  • Liz offering me yogurt and berries for dessert... when she knows I am going to have a disgustingly large bowl of ice cream instead
Really I am just going to miss everything Lil and everything Liz... that doesn't involve bodily fluids or violence against me.

I thought this was going to be easy but now my heart is breaking every single day. The closer I get to leaving the more I can't bare it. I cry everyday now. Today I just sat there staring at Lil play with her mat. She looked up at me and smiled and I just instantly started crying. The same thing happened to night.

I am petrified that her emotional attachment will fade and that she will forget me. She isn't my child but she is my baby girl. And I just didn't really understand, until recently, how hard it would be to walk away. Surviving this will be my greatest accomplishment... if I am able to.


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