The definition of stupid.

I have spent my entire life having my sisters being the bar, the standard by which I judge myself. And I have spent a good deal of my life feeling insignificant, unintelligent, and lackluster. It is only recently that I came to the realization that I was judging myself by standards that do not apply to me. My intelligence is in my emotional understanding, my strength is in my endless ability to love and empathize, my beauty is in my personality. 

My sisters are all so incredibly different: our intelligence, beauty, and strength are defined by different things. I love them, I love myself. I don't have to be like them. I don't have to excel at the things they excel at. I only need to focus on being the best me possible: whatever that means and however I am defined, is my own choice. If I spend the rest of my life defining myself by other people, I will always believe that I am stupid, ugly, and weak. 

Sometimes, we all need to remind ourselves to be in awe of ourselves. 


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