To be content.

Santa [whose handwriting is oddly similar to my mother's] wrote in my Christmas letter that I have mastered the art of being content. Not to imply that I don't have ups and downs, but that I have consistent appreciation of my life and am relatively calm in my soul. She... I mean Santa, wrote that happiness is a fickle emotion that comes and goes, but that content is a way of life.

I was prepping my dinner tonight with my best friend/roommate/soulmate Alia and I felt suddenly very overwhelmed with positive emotion. And I thought to myself, I really love the life I have built for myself. I know things aren't perfect and my life will always be a work in progress but I have made great strides in the last two years to create a life I am proud of. I have truly great friends, I am closer with my family than I have ever been, I have a job that encourages growth and development, and I have a relationship that is teaching me a lot about myself. I know that any moment, any one of these things could change, but I am confident that I will continue to have the strength to pursue the life I want. Because, what I know to be most true of myself is that I am not fearless, but I have never and will never let my fear stop me. I will invest my love in people and things that are strong for me when I cannot be. There will always be ups and downs but I can weather any storm with the amazing foundation I have.


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