
People often give me crap when I use the term "best friend" because I use it for multiple people. But the reality is, each person that I refer to is my best friend in a completely unique way. They are my best for a purpose. I have already dedicated one post to Alia, who is my hetero-lifemate. But there is someone else in my life who has also etched their spot in my heart.

I sometimes wonder if a single soul can be split in two, creating two distinct individuals who are so drastically similar. If this is the case, then Brianne Kumar is my other half. I have never, in my entire life, met someone so similar to myself.

I will admit that when I first met Ms. Kumar, I did not believe that this was destined to be a lasting or purposeful relationship. I thought she was a work friend that I enjoyed drinking and talking crap with. Petty, I know. But at the time I enjoyed it. 

Then the second worst thing to ever happen in my life happened while I was at work my junior year of college (this moment comes runner up to my father dying, so you can guess that it was pretty big.) I was absolutely crushed and lost and was drowning in my own emotion. I am not sure that I have ever cried harder than I did in that moment. And she was there for me. She took me into her office, locked the door, and comforted me until I was finally able to breathe again (this took multiple hours). Our friendship was forever changed from this moment on. No one understood how fully that moment hurt my soul and no one was there for me as much as her. From that moment on, she was my girl. And since then we have continued to be there for each other through all the big things, be it good or bad. 

We are kindred spirits... and we are bat shit crazy to our core. She knows the workings of my mind. She gets the insecurities that I have and the way I build things up in my head. She gets the walls I put up and the excuses I make. And whenever I get in that place where I lose my head, where I lose sight of reality and get lost in myself, she reminds me of who I truly am. She gets my crazy. And she is one of the only people who can bring me back down to earth. 

I appreciate that while she is unbelievably supportive she is also direct and honest. She has no problem calling me out on my bullshit and telling me that I am being ridiculous. That is a true best friend. Someone who loves you the way you are, still encourages you to grow as person, but won't indulge you in your irrationality, fears or insecurities. 

I know few women more ambitious, direct, or spirited than us... yet on such a regular basis we are forced to remind each other of this.

Brianne Kumar, I think you need to know this... and so does the rest of the world.
You are an exceptional woman. You are an exceptional human being. You can do anything. 

You are two people: a woman who is confident in her skills, intelligence, and abilities, and a woman who doubts herself and the amazing gifts God gave her.

Know yourself my love. You are stunning. You are brilliant. You are motivated. You are driven. You could easily take over the entire world if you wanted and run it beautifully because you are just that kind of a person. I am constantly in awe of you and wish I could be more like you. I've never seen someone take on so many different responsibilities and despite all the stress, excel at all of them. I just don't know how you do it.

You are truly inspiring, truly amazing, and truly my role model. Far too often we settle for friendships or relationships that are beneath us, that are much less than we deserve. I couldn't exactly tell you why we do this. But you deserve the best of the best. The truest of true. The purest of pure... and the freakiest of freaks (had to throw that one in). Don't settle and don't live in fear of being alone. Someday you will be loved. And until that day (and still after), I will love you for who you are and all that you have done for my life.

Brianne, never let anyone stifle your greatness. Don't settle for less or diminish yourself for another person. You are far too great for that. Be fearless, be strong, be beautiful, be you.


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