
Showing posts from 2014

51 things that a 25-year-old single girl really wants for christmas.

Empathy for the homeless.

Dear fellow white people...

Time travel.

Hey, Jian Ghomeshi, I Call B.S.!


Forgiveness is probably the most revolutionary concept.

Muslim countries.

Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare.


Newly single humor(ish).

The path I'm on.

Self through others.

Ways you know you are a grownup...

Leighton Meester, I adore you.

The concentration of sexualized violence images.

This is how you go out in style.



Jimmy Carter is an incredible feminist.

A life that's good.

I carry your heart with me.

What to do when no one listens after you speak up.

Study: Men Don't Suddenly Become Sexually Aggressive When Drunk

True Detective.


We should all be feminists (yes, even men).

Dallas sportscaster’s shocking response to Michael Sam coming out as gay