Continued insecurities reflected on.

I used to have a fear when I was younger (as in high school), that if people weren't texting me or calling me or messaging me on myspace...yes, I did just say myspace... it meant they had forgotten about me. That I somehow no longer mattered to the people I loved.

Now that I am isolated in Arizona, those insecurities are creeping back in. It's hard for me to see my friend's lives existing happily without me, as if I contributed nothing to them while I was there. But it's a meaningless insecurity. My life continues with or without constant contact, so do theirs. Relationships may be the most important part of my life but they are not the only part nor are they defined by the quantity of interactions... they are defined by the quality.

My friendships are not measured by the texts I receive or the facebook comments on my wall... my friendships are defined by the love I hold in my heart for my friends and the love they hold for me. My friendships are measured by the moments we hear a song and smile, basking in the memories of our adventures together; by the catchphrases I say, laughing at how ridiculous we must've sounded; by the random check-ins to make sure that each other is doing well.

Sometimes it is so difficult to feel secure in love I have for others and the love they have for me in return.  But love isn't measured in petty interactions. Something so immense could never be measured by something so meaningless.


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