Crazy beautiful kind of family.

My family drives me insane, primarily because no matter how old I get I will always be the baby. But for as much as they drive me crazy they are truly the most amazing people I know. And for some reason I am feeling extremely sentimental about them.

My sister Andrea is stunningly beautiful, old school glamour style. True, female beauty. And she doesn't even see it. But more than her beauty she is intelligent (I am talking about REALLY smart here folks), she is funny and quick as a whip, she knows more about sports than half my guy friends, she is a phenomenal cook, loving friend, and supportive sister. She is self-motivated and self-accomplished. When she was away at college (all the way in CALI) she never forgot or missed a single birthday of mine. When I was in high school, she did my make up for every formal I went to. Even now, when she knows I am stressed or I am in a bad place emotionally, she calls me or comes to visit me. She is so unbelievably caring. She is a wild spirit with an adventurous soul. I have always been, and will always be, in awe of her. To me, she is the perfect woman.

My sister Liz is fearless. Over the years she has been one of my closest friends, my confidant. In so many ways she is my best friend. The girl is ridiculous smart, as in so intelligent it's obscene. Her mind processes information in a way you could never dream of. It seriously wouldn't be fair, except that she is not only is she smart but she is a great teacher. She's not one of those people who says "this is so easy, why don't you get it?!" She will take you step by step and help you understand the process. She helps make other people maximize their potential and become even smarter.
The way Liz has taken on motherhood (especially as a single mom who also works full-time) amazes me. Just being a nanny is exhausting for me, but to be a working mom? God bless her (even though she is an atheist... so that blessing wouldn't mean much to her). I realize now I should have never doubted her abilities as a mother because I think of all the times she loved and comforted me. It's no surprise that she is such a natural with Lillian. It is beautiful to see someone so strong become so fragile in love. She is beautiful, her daughter is beautiful... and more than anything, their relationship is beautiful.

My sister Becca is complex to say the least. We have had our issues over the years, however I respect her immensely. While we were in college I saw her immerse herself in her studies, in research, and in her work. Everyone who knew her was aware of her impeccable work ethic and her moral integrity. Yet no matter how busy she was, she always made time for dinner with her little sister. After college she transformed herself. She kept her integrity and work ethic but gained a confidence and sas that is unmatched (except by her sisters).  Becca has a tough skin but a kind heart. She makes the world better on a daily basis and she is constantly making her own life better. I have idolized her my entire life; for her beauty, for the way people love her and flock to her, for her creativity, and for her consistent success. She has earned everything that she has been blessed with, luck contributed nothing to her success.
Becca is just cool. Seriously, there is no other way to put it. She has travelled all over Europe, she attends a ton of concerts, she biked to Portland (she may be crazy as well), she lives a hipster life in Seattle, she has Rosie the Riveter tatted on her arm... I mean come on, that is epic.

My father was, in my eyes, an exceptional man. He was by, no means without flaws, and a handful of people will be quick to list them off for you. But when I think about my father I remember that he dedicated his life to working as hard and as much as he could to provide for his family. I remember the way he attended all my soccer games, cheering me on, smiling. I remember how much love he carried in his heart and how it burst through his eyes. I look at what an amazing man he became, despite the horrible childhood he had. I think about the fact that at his funeral the entire church was filled to the point that people were even standing outside; he had touched that many lives. I see him in my sisters everyday and I am reminded of what a handsome man he was. I love him for his courage and for the way he wrote about my mom in his Walk to Emmaus speeches. I love him for what he always tried to be for us.

My sister Bonni looks just like me... which is odd since we are stepsisters. But in my eyes, she is just my sister. I have known her my entire life. I loved spending afternoons with her at her house when we were just neighbors. And now, as my sister, I love every moment I get to hang with her. Bonni has completely reinvented herself in her thirties and I respect her immensely for it. Some people choose to live in fear and accept things the way they are. Not Bonni. She chooses to make herself happy, to make herself better. She takes everything in stride. In so many ways she is nothing short of fearless.

My stepdad is one of the greatest men I know. Why anyone would marry a woman who was recently widowed with four children (two of whom were in middle school...aka their bitch years), I have not a clue. But he did. More than that, the man practically raised me while my mom went back to school. But that's Bob. He supports the people he loves in whatever ventures they may pursue. He will do anything to contribute to their success. His love and his help keep us all going. I can honestly say I have no idea where or who I would be without him. More than anything, I love his laugh. If you know him, you know which one I am talking about. The goofy laugh with the head tossed back and his face lit up.
That man is magic.

I will end this blog entry with the most influential person in my life... my mom. She is greatness... and she doesn't even recognize it. The woman was a nurse in the army, started and ran a mechanical directory (MechCon) with my dad, created a preschool at our church which spread to other methodist churches, created a position and thrived at it in our middle school, and no works as a nurse and a union representative for Swedish Edmonds.  All the while she raised four girls (who were either Bipolar, ADD, or had depression... also Tourettes, major speech disorder, large variety of health issues... oh yea, and our Dad DIED). The woman is a fucking saint. She has overcome abuse, bullying, and a whole host of other horrible things. Yet despite the pain she has experienced in her lifetime, she is the most accepting and forgiving person. Her greatest flaw is that she still sees herself as unworthy or undeserving. She fails to see what we all see in her, greatness. If I could be like anyone, I would be like my mom. She is fiery, passionate, intelligent, motivated, gifted... she is Oprah on speed, without all the fame-whoring. My mom could literally change the entire world. I am in awe of her everyday. The woman has so much love in her heart, I have no idea how it doesn't burst.

You will never know love like my family's. We may be the craziest group and slightly dysfunctional at times, but we are always there for each other. We are loyal. And I know, no matter how far I fall, they will always be there to pick me back up. They are the greatest blessing ever bestowed upon my life. I may get sick of them, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.


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