I will NOT take my husbands name.

(1632) the Lawes of Resolutions of Womens Rights:
"in this consolidation which we call wedlock is a locking together. It is true, that man and wife are one person, but understood in what manner. When a small brooke or little river incoporateth with Rhodanus, Humber, or the Thannes, the poor rivulet looseth her name.... A Woman as soon as she is married, is called covert... that is, "veiled"; as it were, clouded and overshadowed; she hath lost her streame. I may more truly , farre away, say to married woman, Her new self is her superior; her companion, her master..."

Do I even NEED to respond?
... all I have to say is FUCK THAT NOISE. 

It amazes me what traditions have persisted without any acknowledgement of how they began or their sole intent. In this case, to further diminish and subordinate woman. I am no stream, I am my own river. And my partner will NEVER be my superior or master. Why are women still pressured to lose part of their identity to a man? Why must I relinquish what has been defining of me for my entire life when my partner is not expected to do the same? 


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