I have this insatiable desire to be heard: to have my thoughts and feelings acknowledged, respected, and understood. While in theory this is not a problem, in actuality it can be.

Some people are only capable of a certain limited range of emotion and therefore do not have the ability to understand emotions outside of that range. More importantly, some people just don't care. And while that may frustrate me, it is not my responsibility to make every single person I meet or interact with understand me. And often times, the more I attempt to explain myself, the worse their understanding of me becomes. What a circular and idiotic approach.

I have amazing people in my life, who get me without me even having to say anything. How beautiful is that?!

Whatever the reason is; whatever my insecurities are... it's time to free myself of them and relieve myself of this horrible, worthless burden. Pursuing it is an insult to the people in my life who do love me and strive to understand me... who I don't have to force to listen but rather they choose to listen lovingly and willingly.


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