I have this horrible habit of trying to understand why things happened the way they did or why someone's behavior is a certain way. I am always trying to figure out "what changed" or something along those lines. It's mostly curiosity with a combination of ego... but in my attempt to understand or call someone out, all that happens is the other person ends up thinking I cared more about them then I actually did. Sorry, this is my bruised ego talking, not my bleeding heart.

It's just an odd habit to have. At the end of the day, what does it really matter? They were just another boy or just another friend... just another one that bit the dust. If it was a genuinely important relationship to me, I'd be fighting to keep it, not bickering to hear some kind of truth that will make me ... honestly, I don't even know what I expect it to make me. HA! It's just funny when I consider how much drama I let occur in my life with people I won't even think about in a week.

I've had the same best friend since my freshman year of high school. And my other closest friends are ones that I have had for years. I've only ever genuinely cared about 4, maybe 5 guys. My family is the greatest bunch of people in the world. What a waste of time to beat a dead horse over people who never made either one of those lists.

Why do we, as humans, dwell so much on things that never mattered to begin with?


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