Looks like I might be a hypocrit... again

I often hear females (my friends and myself) complain about how guys play us or mislead us. And yes, there are the occasions where a male flat out flips the switch, but those are few and far between. There are generally signals along the way that we rationalized or chose to ignore. But more importantly than that...

Here is the honest truth. We play guys as much if not more than they play us. How selfish of us to complain when karma gives us a swift kick in the ass. I have been leading guys on since I had my first real kiss... and actually if I think about it, I have been leading guys on since the fifth grade. I rationalize my behavior by saying that I generally don't hang with a guy for more than a month, because I realize I am not interested and don't want to lead them on... but that is total bullshit. I enjoy the attention. And I do use casual dating as a way to get over people that I genuinely do or did like (which is completely unhealthy all in it's own).

Do I want to hurt anyone? No. Am I interested in a lot of people? Yes. This is the way we girls rationalize our behavior. The 'difference' between "us" and "them" is that they do it on purpose and we hurt people accidentally. BS. The reality is I can tell basically within the first hangout if I think I have a legitimate connection to someone, especially since I only ever really date people I already know. So if I were being genuine, I would cut it out right then... right after that first date. But I don't. I try to convince myself that maybe I could like them, because I really do like the attention. Well, liking the attention is not the same as liking someone. Normally I even have someone new lined up before the I've even gotten rid of the old. I don't know how I don't get caught more often with this horrible behavior.

I really don't mean to hurt people and I really am honest with my intentions and my feelings, but that isn't to say I don't manipulate situations. Yet when people do that to me I get incredibly defensive and offended. It's just so hypocritical.

I have hurt a lot of people and up until now I have never really concerned myself with their emotions. I have only considered the way I have been hurt.


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