
Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with." 
 Sex and the City 

You get a direct title mention and shout out.

I started to give up on the idea of soulmates after all of the horrible experiences I have had with guys over the past 2.5 years. And I know you feel the same way. Then I realized, a man will never be my soulmate. A friend will.

Over the years I have come to realize that you are my soulmate. No one understands and sees me more than you. Alia we have both been on a similar, soul-searching journey. Our breakups shook us to our core and made us question our lives completely. Then somehow our trains became unhitched and we were just flying in a direction that was so opposite to who we really are. Both of us made decisions that were against our nature and that broke us further. We just started to lose ourselves.

You know what got me through all of it and onto a new path in the right direction? You (and my Mom). Honestly though, you were one of the few people who called me out and stopped me dead in my tracks. You showed me how you see me. You reminded me of who I really am. And you reminded me that regardless of decisions I have made, I can be that person again. And now I am slowly becoming myself again, but a better and richer self because of everything I have experienced... and because of the bond I created with you. You and I both know that I am sad right now; and that I allowed myself to become less than I was, and be treated less than I deserved. But I finally walked away from what I wanted to get what I needed. I finally am living for myself. I am rediscovering me and establishing new boundaries. I am finding and creating myself all over again. I am so thankful to have you alongside me, helping me stumble through this process.

You are my person. And I pray that you see yourself the way I see you.

Forgive yourself, like you are asking me to forgive myself. You made mistakes and I know there are certain things in your life that you are afraid of. But someday you will find love in another person. And right now you are working on fully loving yourself. And I will always be here to love you when you can't. You are my soulmate. I see you. I know you. I love you.

Call it God, synchronicity, fate. Whatever you call it... you were put in my life. And it is the greatest blessing I have ever received.


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