It's always at 3 a.m. when I start missing you

What is it about night that lets your mind run ramped? It's like all day long you have control over it, then as the sun sets the dark of the day not only fills the sky but creeps into your mind. It tests your self-control. You want to text them. But you know you shouldn't.

Like my roommate told me, it's like fast food. You just want a quick fix and you think it will be filling and delicious. Instead, you feel like shit afterwards and kind of loathe yourself for giving in. Especially since you are the one who went and got it.

In the midst of the darkness and at the latest of hours when my thoughts turn to you, I try to focus on the star in the sky, the glimmer of light that reminds me to stay strong and to avoid the temptation. The reality is, giving in is never worth it. It only makes the dark, darker. 

I think I will just wait for the sunrise and my peace of mind. I know at some point there won't just be a star here and there to light my night, there will be millions... each reminding me of the beauty in my life. Each reminding me of everything I have to feel blessed for. And then I won't miss you at all.


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