On the topic of sex.

Men, there are a startling number of you who are not good at it. And more so than that, you are selfish lovers.

WHICH is why sex is generally better, for a woman anyways, when in a relationship. The person is committed and monogamous and feels personally responsible for your sexual and physical satisfaction.

I will not fake it for any of you ever again. I have come to realize that we women do you a serious disservice by faking it. Then you think your mediocre performance is acceptable. Trust me, you can tell the difference between real enjoyment and just going through the motions. If you can't, it's because people have only ever faked it for you or you care more about the instant gratification then the actual experience.

Also, men... especially you men in relationships... if a girl says she doesn't want to do something then let it go. You do not have the right to negotiate terms of what she should or shouldn't do. If you are that selfish then save her the trouble and break up with her. You clearly care more about yourself than her. Trust me, she can do better than you.

Women are extremely sexual beings. We love to explore and try things just as much as you. But we have to trust you first and feel respected by you. And it needs to be genuine. So maybe stop thinking about all the kinky fantasies you have and focus on satisfying her. I think you will be surprised by the things she will want to explore once you stop forcing her all the time.

And let it be known, every time you push her or pressure her or try to make her feel guilty or inadequate, you are betraying her and your relationship. And you are only subduing her sexual desires more and slowly killing her attraction to you. Trust me, you are making your sex life worse by not respecting her.

Sex isn't just about you and your experience Men. If you want better sex and more of it, you should give better sex. And yes, foreplay is important.


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