The generation of apathy

"Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings."
-Helen Keller 

I am losing faith in my generation. I don't know if my peers don't realize that we are in a great depression and that it will continue to get worse if they don't act or if they do realize and just don't care.

Some say that our opinion doesn't matter, our vote doesn't count. Honestly, that is the response of a stoner generation that would rather play video games than fight for a cause. 

The 2008 election proved that when college students come out to vote in a unified way, they will get what they want. So why not mobilize against unnecessary wars in the Middle East? Why not mobilize to create more money for stem cell research? Why not mobilize to have the wealthy start contributing more to society rather than stealing from it? Why not mobilize to insure universal healthcare (that actually makes sense)? Or allow gay marriage?

Shit on easy level why not mobilize to make our public education ACTUALLY be paid for by the state rather than by students? 

I have worked with Western Votes and the WWU AS to try to mobilize and educate students. But sometimes it feels impossible. People my age, in general, are just apathetic. They forget to vote or they intentionally don't. Then they complain about everything going on and how expensive school is. Dude, you are doing it to yourself by not educating yourself on important issues and fighting for your own rights.

In case my peers haven't noticed, people are not going to stand up for us. Healthcare and Higher Education are the first two things to get thrown under the bus. There is no immediate gratification with either so legislators and lobbyists are quick to neglect or attack them. 

So who is going to protect you? Seriously, if you won't then who will?

I don't know the cure to apathy. I seriously wish I did. But until I find it, I will continue to fight for myself and for my peers. And I pray that they figure it out at some point.


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